Hi everyone
I would just like to ask the forum in general if anyone has been pestered by people trying to sell you dietary supplements, menus, nasal inhalers or eating plans regarding Candida. An acquaintance of mine is badgering me persistently to try to eliminate Candida and inflammation in my body which, according to him, is responsible for many of my health conditions. He claims that there is scientific proof that it causes everything from tiredness to indigestion to attention deficit disorder.
I listened at first, but then he showed me a link to a video about some Italian professor who has "proven" that CML is caused by a fungus. He is encouraging me to stop imatinib and start on his diet plan. When I saw this video, which I consider to be complete and utter rubbish, I immediately told him what I thought of it. He was so persistent in his insistence that Candida is the source of all my ailments that I have had to block his number to stop the harassment.
My two questions are:
1) Is he onto something with this Candida? I believe it to be a complete hoax, and I refuse to stop my imatinib, but I was just wondering whether anyone has had any success with adopting an anti-Candida diet?
2) How do other CML patients cope with people trying to sell you everything and anything from marijuana oil to glyconutrients? I find it such an invasion on my privacy, as if someone is trying to profit from my condition, and it infuriates me to such an extent that I don't want contact with these people.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Best wishes