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Question about low blood counts
Those are not scary bad and are very typical for where you are now. It can take months, even years, to come back to normal levels. Some of us will stay at low-normal or high-abnormal range forever, and to no ill effects. The docs don't get worried until they are much farther out of whack than yours. I believe the rationale is that it takes time for the body to produce new good blood cells, after they have stopped being crowded out with the havoc of leukemic cells taking up all the space. Everyone is different, but if it's any consolation, my numbers always look just like yours and I've been at this since 2009. Platelets are usually higher, but I do get the occasional 90. They don't worry over you until they're at 50 or below. Sometimes the platelets are being sequestered in the spleen, temporarily, for some reason only your body knows. I know it's hard to trust your body again after the shock of a CML diagnosis, but truly, for the most part, it chugs along adapting workarounds to the TKI.
Rick my husband is just under a year diagnosed and I have questioned his doctor on every result that has been marked high or low. Coming here I realized that those highs and low ranges aren’t always helpful. Like Kat said, there are new norms for patients with CML. We are monitoring my husband’s low white blood counts at the moment and I asked his oncologist at what level he would be concerned, so that I won’t unnecessarily worry. Maybe you can do the same ? Best Louise