Thank you for adding me. I was diagnosed in May 2018 with WBC over 210K and an englarged spleen. Since 2014, I've had multiple CT scans and a PET scan as a result of being followed for a Clear Cell Borderline Ovarian Tumor. It was microscopic, was found after my hysterectomy, and required no treatment. This type of borderline ovarian tumor is very rare, I think I was the 31st document case in the States. In early 2016, I had a brain CT scan after a roll-over accident on the highway. In late 2016, I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer and was treated with Radioactive Iodine. Now, I've been diagnosed with CML. I've got to admit, I'm more scared now than ever before. I started on 100 mg of Sprycel, but was reduced to 50 mg after my visit with Dr. Cortes at MD Anderson. I did not have a PCR test at diagnosis. I was on 100 mg of Sprycel for 3 weeks when MD Anderson ran the PCR test. I believe I was at 93% at that time, although I'm not certain I'm reading the test results correctly. After reading many postings, on FB and on this forum, I feel like 93% is super high after 3 weeks of treatment. I've read other posts of PCR tests at diagnosis under 50%. Before my visit with Dr. Cortes, I read of the success MD Anderson has had with the 50mg trial. During my MDA visit, I asked about a dosage decrease. I was told they start all newly diagnosed patients now at 50mg. That said, I've been told by others (via FB) some doctors believe it should be "hit hard" the first 3 months with 100mg, not 50mg. I trust Dr. Cortes expertise, but have begun to be apprehensive about the 50mg dose and the 93% PCR after 3 weeks on 100mg. I'm finishing my second month of treatment which has been at 50mg. My next PCR is in September. I am mourning the loss of my health and worrying about the future. Any words of wisdom? Will this worry ever go away?
Thank you,