Good Stories.
I got DX 2016 with CML I was 65yo.
Never heard of it and never was sick
with serious anything in my life.
Went on Sprycle got real sick,
..and now it’s good.
I’m back to a mostly a normal life.
I don’t feel too bad. I got the stuff that you all talk about.
Bone pain, sleepy stress, chemo brain.
I’m still good looking,
My wife still loves me and my wiener dog still
hates me.
Are there any good stories out there?
We need to help each other and that includes
our good stories.
I went back to work in my contractor business,
All though less is more, I still have my garden, and
it’s fabulous.
I like jokes. “I’m gonna leave all my money to the
Hamster society. That’s all I’ll have left!”.
I’m still standing and still banging it up!
Even with CML.