Hi! I’ve recently joined this group, Thank you.
Im a 35 year old female and was diagnosed on the 5th July 2018 with CML. Due to my phobia of tablets, my treatment of TKI was delayed by 3 weeks. After several sessions of hypnotherapy and the support of my family and friends, I’ve come along way in taking tablets. I was initially told that I would be taking Nilotinib, however because my consultant was not comfortable with me ‘attempting’ to take this drug, I was prescribed Imatinib, which I knew I could swallow with food. I was taking this for 2 weeks before being pulled off of it on Wednesday. From day one, I had a headache fine, the same with feeling lethargic and bone pain, fine, they said I would get side effects. However, I gradually continued to feel worse. Severe nausea, vomiting, shivering, a high temperature and having no energy to even get out of bed to look after my 2 year old son. After 7 days of feeling so horrendous I got a rash all over my body. Before I got my rash, I had phoned my Nurse/consultant to ask if this was all normal and was told to seek advice from my GP to make sure I didn’t have any other underlying infection, as I “should be well enough to go to work”. I did see my GP. I was given antibiotics for a suspected infection, which I took. Even after they finished, I still continued to feel the same (I was seen by the hospital GP following a referral from 111 over the weekend and went back to the GP after the weekend) I then broke out in the rash. I phoned my nurse/consultant again who said not to take the Imatinib anymore and wait to see my consultant in 2 weeks. No one looked at my rash and I was disappointed that no one wanted to see it, as it could have been related to an allergy, side effect of the antibiotics, a virus or something else? So my question is (sorry for the long post to get to this) what does a rash connected to taking Imatinib mean in order to stop taking the drug? Does it mean the drug has done something to my body? I feel like I’m in limbo and won’t be speaking to my consultant for 2 weeks. Thank you in advance