I know that there are a couple of people here that are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to TKI dosages.
I'm currently in my sixth week of treatment on 100mg of Dasatinib/Sprycel.
My bloods after the first nearly two weeks were good, but now a month later my neutrophils are down to .7 so my Heamo has organised daily injections for three days to boost them before having another blood test.
Im not sure what all the other results are yet as my Heamo is a couple of hours away and organised the injections via our local cancer clinic which he visits every fortnight.
I'll be travelling to see him after the next blood test on Thursday.
I have done a lot of reading about CML and Dastinib/Sprycel and think that it might be worthwhile to reduce the dose to 50mg, and followup with more frequent tests, obviously a month may be a little long between tests at this stage of treatment.
My initial PCR was 110% and it dropped to 64% after 11 days, I'll find out on Thursday what it is now but would appreciate any input.