I am so happy with the results, my Dr was too.
19/7/18 110%
30/7/18 64%
27/7/18 10%
We also discussed lowering the Sprycel dosage (currently 100mg) to tackle the myelosuppression instead of stimulation shots. The stim shots worked, probably too well, I had three this week after the blood test on 27/7, and that sent neutrophils up quickly from .7 to 9.7, the bone pain associated with this method is ridiculous though, worst I've experienced so far. He suggested Panadol-Osteo for the bone pain and I tried not to laugh as I shook my head and said no it's well beyond that level of pain, I have Osteoarthritis in one knee, the pain is completely different in intensity.
He wasn't that keen on the lowered dose idea, he thinks if myelosuppression occurs at 100mg it would continue in lower doses, he felt a change of TKI would be better, can't say I agree. I think it would be better to at least try lower dose's first, if it doesn't work then sure we take the next step. So I'm going to research and compile more evidence that this is a sound thing to at least try before my next appointment.
It's a work in progress.
Anyway, weekly blood tests now until the next PCR test in six weeks.