Hi My name is Tanya I live in Australia and have taken 400 mg glivec for 8 months now dropped to 300 mg and I want keep dropping it as my mental health has been impaired badly by this drug as well as induced menopause.Can anyone offer advice?
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Dropping Glivec already...
Hi Tania, sorry to hear Glivec is causing you these side effects. I think the folks on here need a little more information to help. Please can you tell us:
How is your CML doing? Do have FISH or BCR-ABL test results which hopefully show that Glivec is being effective in controlling your CML?
Any other blood information , White blood count, haemoglobin, platelets, etc.
It may be that changing to another TKI drug (nilotinib or dasatinib for example) would be a better option than reducing the Glivec dose.
I changed from 400mg Glivec to 200mg 11 mnths ago, and will hopefully see if I can hold MMR without any meds in a month or so. Talking to my consultant last visit he said data was emerging that showed that dose reduction was proving more effective for people who had been on the meds longer - some years rather than months as in your case. I have been on Glivec for 10 years now and am lucky to have manageable side effects.
Good luck
Hi Tanya,
Sorry to hear your having such a hard time. Are you seeing someone to manage your mental health? I know a lot of people struggle after diagnosis whether its the diagnosis or Glivec or both it really doesn't matter it needs to be well managed. Who do you see in Adelaide? Prof Tim Hughes and his team are based there, best in Australia, well worth seeing if you haven't already.