Hi David,
It sounds like you're eager to get back to work. You had mentioned you would be able to return when you have achieved a cytogenetic remission. I was curious what criteria will be used to determine when you have reached that level of response to therapy? I had bone marrow cytogenetic analyses at diagnosis and 3 and 12 month. Three genetic tests were done: cytogenetic analysis, BCR-ABL1 FISH and BCR-ABL1 by PCR (peripheral blood). The FISH results were 93% at diagnosis and 5.5% at 3 months. I don't think FISH was done at 12 months. The cytogenetic results were 20 of 20 abnormal cells at diagnosis, 1 of 20 abnormal cells at 3 months and 20 of 20 normal cells at 12 months.
I'm not sure why my doctor preferred marrow over peripheral blood for the tests. I think a peripheral blood sample is a lot more comfortable for the patient!
I had quick response with Gleevec initially and then experienced a plateau during months 9 through 12. I stayed with imatinib for over 5 years and then the PCR numbers started to move up a bit. Sprycel reversed the upward trend and gave me the lowest PCR numbers I've ever had.
Hopefully one of the more potent TKIs will get you to cytogenetic remission quickly so you can get your normal routine back. Nilotinib doesn't sound like the best choice for you due to your work schedule. If you go with Sprycel, the current recommended starting dose is 100mg per day, but recent research has shown that 50 mg per day is safe and effective for most CML patients. The 50 mg dose also brought CCyR and MMR more quickly than 100 mg had in previous studies.
Good luck!