Hi Nana,
I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling. The great thing about this forum is that it is a place to turn when questions need answering or we just want to reach out for help.
I was diagnosed this year and I am 38 married with 2 small children. I consider myself to be young too! I understand your feelings when you go to the clinic to be surrounded by older individuals of twice your age or decades just older! I often wonder to myself how the hell did I get this! And still do! One thing I have had to learn in getting this is that life simply isn't fair. And how we got it doesn't help us really move forward. We have it and we must press forward by supporting each other when times are hard and believe me I am a man and I am not afraid to admit I've cried plenty over the last 5 months an had feelings of complete despair. To get around this feeling of lowness I remind myself that in some regard we are lucky. We have great medication, with great prospects ahead. We pop a pill once or twice a day and see the quack once every 3 - 6 months for them to tell us everything is fine which should be the case if you take your meds on time. We luckily god forbid don't have to have Chemo, or radio therapy or even a stem cell transplant. I remind myself of this when I feel like shutting down.
I fully realise this is as much of an emotional/mental battle as it is a physical one. Even if not more! I have suffered undiagnosed for most of my life with sometimes severe anxiety which is closely linked to depression who knows I may even be depressed but I don't feel it. I do get down from time to time but no more than your average person.
Here's what I have been doing that really helps alleviate my stress and anxiety and this has become my routine just like having to pop my pill!
I meditate daily (I started with 5 mins a day and now I am at 20 mins a day) There is research (And you can google it) that meditation is known to shrink your Amgdala (The part of your brain which deals with emotions and stress responses) It's so effective for anxiety and depression because it calms that area of your brain and actually shrinks it over time. People may laugh but it's fact. When you first start meditation you'll get annouyed with your mind racing and wondering off. Stick with it and I recommend this book called Unplug which is easy reading https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unplug-Simple-Meditation-Skeptics-Seekers/dp/11... and there are mobile apps one I use is called Calm and another is called Headspace. Also meditation is known to repair DNA and strengthen telomeres. Heres one link there are many https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170615213301.htm
Whats also really helped me is to understand why our brains operate the way they do with situations and how we respond to things in life (Namely stress). Also coincidentally linked to some of the bits I mentioned above about your Amgdala it's called The Chimp Paradox https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chimp-Paradox-Management-Programme-Confidence/d....
I personally feel like there is so much to be understood about the mind and how it affects our body or even changes it in good or bad ways. Its not hyperthectial nonsence its proven fact and you can research it yourself when you have time. Understanding the mind helps you understand you and when you understand you, you wont stress yourself for feeling or reacting the way you do.
Personally I find doctors pretty useless when talking about mental health they just say take this pill. Things in the mind can't be evaluated like the body. I have found simply by educating myself its made the situation that much easier to cope with. Unfortunatley there is no magic sauce to make all these feelings completely go away but this will really help I promise you if you give it time like its helped me. Hand on heart I am much better than I was when I was first diagnosed!
If you are able regular exercise is also good for your body and your mind. Maybe even just a light jog to release some endorphins (The happy drug)
If you ever want to talk you can reach out I know what you are going through and things will get better. Everything is temporary even life itself.
I hope this helps you in some way.
All the best