Hi, I can find little information on bosutinib and PAH as a common adverse event.
The Medscape page on bosutinib cites the risk of PAH in CP CML as 1%. Also this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28639957
* "Dasatinib-induced PAH usually seems to be reversible with the cessation of the drug, and sometimes with PAH-specific treatment strategies. Transthoracic echocardiography can be recommended as a routine screening prior to dasatinib initiation, and this non-invasive procedure can be utilized in patients having signs and symptoms attributable to PAH during dasatinib treatment."
** "Patients with prior dasatinib-intolerance related to cardiovascular events, gastrointestinal events, musculoskeletal or skin events did not experience these toxicities in a more severe form while on bosutinib therapy."
** https://www.pbm.va.gov/PBM/clinicalguidance/drugmonographs/Bosutinib_Monograph.pdf
ELNet Recommendations for TKI management in CML
See full publication here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991363/
Snippet from above publicaton:
Most reports on chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) focus on efficacy, particularly on molecular response and outcome. In contrast, adverse events (AEs) are often reported as infrequent, minor, tolerable and manageable, but they are increasingly important as therapy is potentially lifelong and multiple TKIs are available.
For this reason, the European LeukemiaNet panel for CML management recommendations presents an exhaustive and critical summary of AEs emerging during CML treatment, to assist their understanding, management and prevention. There are five major conclusions.
- First, the main purpose of CML treatment is the antileukemic effect. Suboptimal management of AEs must not compromise this first objective.
- Second, most patients will have AEs, usually early, mostly mild to moderate, and which will resolve spontaneously or are easily controlled by simple means.
- Third, reduction or interruption of treatment must only be done if optimal management of the AE cannot be accomplished in other ways, and frequent monitoring is needed to detect resolution of the AE as early as possible.
- Fourth, attention must be given to comorbidities and drug interactions, and to new events unrelated to TKIs that are inevitable during such a prolonged treatment.
- Fifth, some TKI-related AEs have emerged which were not predicted or detected in earlier studies, maybe because of suboptimal attention to or absence from the preclinical data. Overall, imatinib has demonstrated a good long-term safety profile, though recent findings suggest underestimation of symptom severity by physicians. Second and third generation TKIs have shown higher response rates, but have been associated with unexpected problems, some of which could be irreversible. We hope these recommendations will help to minimise adverse events, and we believe that an optimal management of them will be rewarded by better TKI compliance and thus better CML outcomes, together with better quality of life.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension- PAH
Incidence and severity: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has been reported with the use of dasatinib 94, 95, 96, 97 at an estimated incidence of 0.45% and a median delay between drug initiation and PAH diagnosis of 34 months (range 8–48 months).
At PAH diagnosis, most patients had severe clinical, functional and haemodynamic signs of failure, some of them requiring vasoactive drugs and management in the intensive care unit.... 97
Clinical and functional improvements were usually observed after discontinuing dasatinib; however, the majority of patients failed to demonstrate complete haemodynamic recovery .... 97
Prevention and management: The presence of dyspnoea and syncope not explained by pleural effusion should prompt the suspicion of PAH. Although rare........ prompt withdrawal of dasatinib may totally or partially reverse PAH, but pharmacologic treatment may be needed, 94, 95 and referral to a suitable specialist is mandatory.