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Low lymphocyte count

As a newcomer of < 3 months, I am still inclined towards obsessive Google-ing.

Here is my concern. My GP report indicates a lymphocyte count of 0.36 10*9/L. The normal range is 1.1 to 2.9. 

Count at diagnosis, mid-July, was 3.50 10*9/L.

Feeling very well and most early imatinib problems disappearing. Weight gain is concerning.

Most of my searches of lymphocyte count in connection with CML or imatinib indicate concern for high levels. 

Please, has anyone come across low-level counts like mine?


Yes, Low lymphocyte count during the early days of TKI treatment can occur, but usually recovers. What is happening is that as your TKI kills off many CML cells initially, there is a huge "hole" created in your blood system where myeloid white blood cells use to occupy. Protein signals are sent to tell the bone marrow to crank up making new myeloid cells right away. This causes a temporary slow down of the lymphoid cell lines. It's a question of what is the higher priority as the same stem cell is needed to create both myeloid and lyphoid lines. As your normal system re-establishes, the signals will modify to more normal and your lymphocyte counts will increase again.

This happened to me when I first started treatment. I might point out - it happened again recently when I fasted for 3 days. Same impact.

I would be much more concerned with high lymphocyte counts rather than low counts.

Hello Nimbus,    My lymphocyte counts have been low to low normal the 12 months I have been on tasigna. Ranging 0.3 to 1.2. My Dr was never concerned, as Scuba said its tki related.

Thank you, Scuba, for preparing such a plausible explanation. There appears to be a rebalancing exercise taking place within the blood system and it is helpful that you too noticed an impact upon your lymphocyte count. You have put my mind at rest. Many thanks, Stephen

I appreciate your responding, Jason. I have quite a regular complete blood count record from 2011 onwards related to various other complaints and investigations. I notice that my lymphocyte count has always been either just below the lower end or slightly within range. But it is reassuring at least that others have noticed the lymphocyte counts wavering through the use of TKIs. Regards, Stephen

My lymphocyte % was low at diagnosis and for the first three months on imatinib, but went into normal range and has stayed normal since. It may be normalizing for you soon.

Thank you, Justine, all of this reassurance is helpful. Regards, Stephen