Hi all,
Been a while have posted but I woke up a few days ago with a painful right shoulder blade that radiates down the back of my right arm making my 2 first fingers after my tnumb partially numb at the tips. I might add I’ve recently bought some new pillows that are super firm so firm I’ve gone back to an old one. Maybe this is the cause and I am over worrying?
From a Google it seems to suggest a coincidence of a pinched nerve however the TKI Tasigna (Nilotinib) also mentions joint, muscle, bone pain and nubness as one of its 1 million nice symptoms? Difficult to know if TKI or a trapped nerve. The only relief currently is a bloody hot bath of Radox and certain positions that are less uncomfortable....
I see my consultant tomorrow for my 6 month PCR. I’ll raise with him and hope my results are less than 1%.
Many thanks