Hi, my husband was diagnosed almost a year ago and is on Imatinib since. He has constantly colds and infections and because he had pneumonia before, the GP gives him antibiotics every time. Is it worth taking vitamins and supplements to avoid the infections and should we try to treat him rather with natural remedies than antibiotics? What care your experiences? Thanks, xxx
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Infections and antibiotics
my husband used to catch the flu bug very easily especially since our daughters are still in preschool and they get the flu bugs easily. We started practicing more hygiene and would segregate the sick kids and him wherever possible. On top of that now he gargles his mouth with listerine (those anti bacterial mouth wash) because that’s where the germs would start to breed.. always wash hands frequently... mainly personal hygiene is important...
he takes vitamin c occasionally to boost immune system...
ps: he was also diagnosed last year and we really had a hard time coping with him easily catching the flu bugs from the kids considering his low immune system...
sometimes he takes probiotics as well... the natural probiotic milk kefir... as well as apple cider vinegar
What are your husband's white blood cell counts? If they are suppressed, which can happen with all TKI's, that could be one explanation. If he has reached MMR and his counts are low, then perhaps he should talk to his doctor about dose reduction. Also, he should have his Vitamin D levels checked, and if below 50, he should consider Vitamin D3 supplementation. Other immune system helpers include daily cardiovascular exercise and whole foods diet.
I agree about the handwashing other hygiene methods to reduce the risk. One thing what is not open to users of TKIs is echinacea. I used it pre-diagnosis to ward off colds etc. during the winter and believed it helped. It interacts with TKIs and is therefore on the list with grapefruit and St Johns Wort etc. to be avoided. I make sure I get a flu jab every year, which helps if they have made the right prediction the previous spring about which strain of flu might be prevalent during the winter.
I'm also considering vaccinate against the flu this year for the first time ever.
My WBC and neutrophils has been a bit low ever since diagnosis in January so I'm careful to wash hands, don't use the same towel as the kids, don't touch nose, mouth, etc.
Also, my wife also makes a juice that I have taken sometimes. It contains lemon, ginger, turmeric, honey and sea buckthorn. I've been a litte careful though, don't know if sea buckthorn is ok? Have been searching the net but not found anything. Anyone heard if it's on the list to avoid?