My hair has fallen out and my skin is so wrinkled now.I had long blonde hair and was attractive before glivec and now am aged old hag and I just want to know what the best supplements are to try help hair and skin.It is challenging enough having this illness let alone the loss of looks as well.Am grateful (sort of) to be alive because of this drug but some days cause I feel so lousy I wish I didn’t have take these tablets for rest of life.Any advice greatly appreciated.
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Can any supplements help hair grow back?
I feel your pain. The same thing is happening to me. I have shoulder length red hair. I dread showering and washing my hair because of what I see in the trash can afterwards. I'd love to know if anything helps. The only suggestion I have gotten is to cut my hair short but I really hate short hair on me. I should be happy with the results of Gleevec 400mg as I am responding but the hair loss killed all that joy!
I am being switched to Spyrcel 100mg next week as I also have mouth sores and a lot of facial swelling and a rash over 60% of my body. Steriods did not help. Just kept me awake and did nothing for the rash. Because of my fear of the side effects I requested to start at 50mg but my hem/onc won't go for it. I even printed 4 journal articles for her but she won't budge.
I'm really sorry for your hair loss. It sucks!
Dx Aug 2018 39.38%
Nov 2018 1.48%
Thanks for reply Cathy,yes it does suck and loss of looks is hard to take.Have you gone into Chemopause(early menopause)?more wonderful things there too,wrinkling at a rate of knots,fat where there was none...might switch to Sprycel too as seeing my Haemotogist nxt week...I don’t mean sound vain or unthankful but it’s a tall order,going through this treatment for life but trying remain thankful...
Yes, it's the Gleevec - it affects collagen, so your face falls. If you have the toad eyes and moon cheeks, it's Gleevec again. Hair definitely goes to hell, but I haven't noticed it being any better on Sprycel. The thing with Gleevec is, all this wreckage of your looks doesn't happen to everybody, and for the people it does happen to, some truly aren't bothered by it and accept it. Others (guess you know what I did!) get off Gleevec pronto.
Tanya - Well, all I can report on is myself, and I can say that it got better on Sprycel, especially the toad eyes. I still have a puffy face, but significantly less so. Wrinkles stayed. Hair thinning stayed. But the eyes were much, much, much better. The fatigue was better, and got even better the less Sprycel I took (from 100 to 70 to 50 to 20). Also better the less I took of Sprycel was skin color - it's almost back to normal. I was able to get on top of the depression and anxiety. Best of all (I guess, because the looks thing looms very large, of course), but yes, best of all, I don't feel badly - no malaise, nausea, diarrhea or other GI stuff, no muscle soreness or cramps, no bone pain, no headaches. Sprycel has a list a mile long of kinases it affects along with the one we want it to - it's the "kitchen sink TKI". So, it includes the stuff that's in Gleevec, but either less of it or it interacts differently with the other stuff, or something. It's very, very effective for the CML, but we take all that interference with it. Sigh.
It is extremely hard, in our culture today, to "lose your looks." It's a triple whammy: It's very sad for your own self to see and remember that you weren't always like that, and two - people blame you! For being old, for not keeping yourself up, for not doing plastic surgery or wearing a wig or makeup, or exercising your brains out all day to stay toned. And, finally, three - you're not allowed to complain about it or you're accused of vanity, shallowness, or ingratitude that you're not dying from a cancer you never asked for or caused yourself. Sheesh.
Well, I'm here and I feel your pain and share your distress, so that's one vote . . .
Thank you Kat,I really appreciate it!Along with loss of looks,I have been in sobriety 4 years and my husband of 24 years has remarried and I wonder if any man will ever love me again as my looks were my thing and to lose them is very hard...You are only on 20 mg Sprycel?Wow!Thats amazing!When I see Doc in February will change drugs...Guess gotta be thankful we have these drugs to keep us alive and to count our blessings but it’s still very tough and I sure could do with a drink or two to ease the situation...
Thanks again x
Tanya - Good for you for the sobriety! This is huge. This is succeeding at living.
I was going to add to my prior message and then forgot, but now it seems pertinent: I find my wrinkles are actually attractive if I smile, and in addition, the fallen jowls kind of raise up, so all in all, it's better to keep smiling. This, in turn, will attract men. Not that I'm trying to do that. But I find it keeps the one I have happier and around more. So there you have it. Perfect solution to all your worries: KEEP SMILING. ALL the time. It's hard.
This is a joke, you know that, but yet it's kinda useful . . .
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