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Magnesium and Circumin

Hi all,

I mentioned taking vitamin supplements to my consultant who said “Don’t waste your time or your money”

If it’s not going to harm me then I’d like to try can anyone recommend the Magnesium I should be taking and the Circumin. Links if possible and if not the names of the type and dosage?

I’ve recently been having some pain from my right shoulder blade down the back of my right arm making the tip of my finger numb. I mentioned to my consultant who said could be arthritic pain. (Never had before taking TKI) I am inclined to say it’s a trapped nerve and I am sure I read somewhere that TKI can mess around with the nerves. This feels like nerve pain or at least how I’d imagine nerve pain to feel. I am 7months into taking Nilotinib.

Many thanks


Hi Alex,

In general your consultant is correct about vitamin supplements - especially multi-vitamins. But TKI's do cause absorption issues with certain vitamins and minerals that can be corrected with supplementation. All of us will react differently.

Magnesium is an important one for nerves and muscle function.

I take both Magnesium Taurate (500 mg per day half just before sleep and the rest first thing in the morning) and *Curcumin (two - six grams per day)

*C3 complex with bioperine (pepper)..

Hi Scuba

That’s brilliant many thanks for the info.

Ok that makes sense re the multivitamins. I will get myself some of the vits you mention.



Hi Alex,

I take Tasigna and the exact same thing well as other variations of it. Sometimes on the right, sometimes the left. At times it is more intense than others. I've noticed the more dehydrated I am the worse it is.

My oncologist also said vitamins are a waste of time and to eat well balanced meals.


Hi Alaina

Many thanks for your reply. In a selfish way glad I am not the only one. The pain is rather odd and it’s consistent I keep waking up expecting the pain in shoulder and arm and numbness in my finger to go. I try to drink plenty of water maybe I need to up my intake and see if that helps me out.

Did you say you also get the numbness in the finger tip that’s the thing that freaks me out the most it’s a strange feeling like someone has tied some string around the tip making it numb. Seems to only be the index finger on right hand. I would have thought it would have gone now it’s been a week. I think the pain is less but the numb finger is doing my head in.



Hey Alex,

I understand and am glad I'm not the only one either...I get numbness and tingling but it is intermittent (so far). This week it's my left thumb that feels the tingling. But I've experienced it in my right pointer finger and right middle finger as well...but those fingers went completely numb as in zero sensation. I get adjusted by my chiropractor every few months and am due for an appt in a week. Hoping it helps. I've also slacked off on my water intake this week and have woken up in the middle of the night with right shoulder blade pain that radiates down my right tricep. (Yikes). Sometimes it will even radiate up the back of my neck. I've read up on foods high in magnesium. Seems brown rice and cashews are a decent source. Will be trying those as well as trying a magnesium taurate supplement in the near future. I'm grateful this medicine has worked but the side effects are always new and odd and alarming. Some days I feel like I'm 80, other days I feel fine. I try to just roll with it no matter how paranoid it makes me :)

Hi Alaina

I am so grateful for your reply. Many thanks for taking the time to do so. This is all very new to me so getting pains and weird sensations isn’t the norm for me and I am guessing over time it will be. I was surprised I felt so good for so long seeing everyone’s aches and pains I thought oh I must be a lucky one. I am guessing as the meds get lower into your system this is to be expected. Currently at <1% maybe suggests it’s going to work on my marrow and I’ll try to take this as a positive thing. I am laid awake at 2am in some pain and thinking how the hell did all this happen. Still a shock. I’ll be fine but I found some comfort in knowing I am not alone and going mad.

Take care Alaina and again thanks for replying.

Alex X

Absolutely. You'll find a lot of experts on this site. And I'm sure everyone here understands and feels much the same. Since we are on the same medication I can email you a few side effects I've experienced and how I've attempted to manage them. I'm just over 2.5 years in and was going at it with no advice of others until recently. Was a lot of trial and error for me.