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T315i mutations and BCAA

I found something really interesting and wants opinion from the CML veterans.  

TK domain mutations like T315i means an amino acid Threoine (T) have mutated to an isoleucine (I) at position 315 on the BCL ABL protein, thus T315i. A bit of context for the uninitiated, T315i is the worst mutation one can get since it is resistance to all TKI except Ponatinib with a 50-60% chance of response.

What was interesting is that all of the worst mutations which confers the strongest resistance to TKIs (even to 2nd gen) ends with either a I (F317i, T315i), a V (E255V) or a L (V299L) !  I stands for the amino acid , Isoleucine, L stands for Leucine and V stands for Valine...

What is the common thread here? these 3 (I, L, V) amino acids are all Branched Chain Amino acid or BCAA ! 

they are called branched chain since there is an extra side chain sticking out which is probably also why TKI have problem fitting into the TK domain once these BCAA have mutated and replaced the original amino acid. (pure speculation on my end)

What is interesting to me is that BCAA are called essential amino acid since it is commonly accepted that the body can't synthesize them and the only way to get it is FROM DIET. High BCAA food are meat, fish, egg, milk...mainly animal source. 

BCAA have long been implicated in longevity and cancer progression ( including CML !) through mTOR and IGF-1 pathways.

At least to me, the conclusion from all the above is pretty clear, If T315i uses lsoleucine and the only source of this amino acid (at least without BCAT1 involved) is from DIET, then we should consume a high fruit and vegetable diet and avoid high BCAA food like a plague to prevent mutations and CML progression. 

This is obviously 100% speculation on my end  and just looking for someone to bounce this idea off and any comments is welcomed. Probably the wrong place to post this but I am also a layman...and cancer patient. 


I found your posting to be very thought provoking and interesting.A lot of the research on the benefits of a low BCAA diet have come from animal studies and perhaps need further consideration as to whether the same applies to humans.However there are some studies that suggest  decreased consumption of branched chain animo acids improves metabolic health and especially improves glucose levels and affects the manner in which we manage or prevent the onset of daibetes As wellI have seen studies that suggest that a plant based diet would contribute to the effective management of early stage prostate cancer.

The argument for a high protein diet is that it promotes rapid recovery for athletes and improves muscular performance;in addition those that suffer muscle wasting diseases would be recommended to focus on a diet of high protein foods and or supplements.

Apparently high BCAA foods include milk,dairy,meat,poultry,fish,eggs,soya,whole wheat,brown rice,some beans and lentils,almonds and brazil nuts; some of these would hitherto have been regarded as very healthy as they contain fibre and high omega 3 s.

Because I suffer some substantial musculo skeletal issues probably as a side effect from long term use of imatinib recently have focussed on an anti-inflammatory diet but might need to rethink as to whether it would be wise to restrict the intake of many of the foods on the list above even though they contain some essentials like calcium from dairy milk and also healthy oils.

So should we as cancer sufferers seriously reconsider our diet as well as engaging in lots of exercise;for some time we have been aware that drastic changes to lifestyle might slow down disease progression and encourage longevity but is there now a substantial science based explanation for this?

I am just going to look up sources of plant proteins that are ideally anti inflammatory!

Best wishes


Thanks for your reply, John. 


In terms of clinical trials and human studies, this metastudy on veg and fruit consumption on Non hopkins Lymphoma survival is probably makes the strongest evidence we have for a plant base diet for CML


I am always thinking in terms of risk and reward, it took 50 years before it was accepted that cigarettes is a carcinogen and I am not holding my breath until a conflicted USDA comes out with recommendations on animal protein consumption. Too much special interest involved in human studies. Actually, the  WHO who might be more incorruptible  have already labeled red meat a carcinogen...

I think none of us expect a plant based diet to cure CML but if it can do what it does for prostate cancer ( as you mentioned) and prevent progression. Our TKI will be able keep us alive indefinitely.

I think BCAA is just drilling down into the details and optimzing a plant based diet...a french fries potato chip diet is vegan too...but I don’t think it is a coincidence that all these TKI mutations are driven by BCAA especially given that CML cells go so far as to actually manufacture their own BCAA using BRAT1 in blast crisis in which case it is too far gone and limiting consumption is too late.

All Cells are made from amino acid and limiting protein and BCAA is like taking away the fuel for cancer cell growth. They can’t replicate and proliferate without protein. Mutations happens from oxidative stress (ROS) and unfaithful DNA repair. There been many papers suggesting that antioxidant rich diet can prevent mutations.

I have yet to seen anyone descirbe how BCAA fits into the picture on mutation development but I read somewhere that cancer cells have a preference for BCAA. 

In any case, Iimiting protein and a high antioxidant diet seems like common sense to me. I think BCAA just fans the flame in this whole process