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Looking for advice on storing extra Sprycel


A belated happy new year..

My shipment of Sprycel was lost in the the Christmas madness, so my pharmacy resent my prescription. The original shipment was then found and I have both. I have a surplus of medication that I want to keep for future use. Does anyone have info on shelf life and how to store Sprycel long term?





Sprycel is quite stable (it's basically a "salt") when stored at room temperature with nominal humidity (i.e. in its container closed with the silica absorbent) for 24 months.

And when stored properly, probably will last a lot longer than that. I have Sprycel at least that old when my dose was changed and began using it a few months ago just to cycle through it. No change in PCR.


You don't have permission to access /docs/en_GB/document_library/.../WC500251572.pdf on this server."

I couldn't open that link. sad


I keep my extra TKI in one of those insulated shipping boxes inside a fire resistant safe.  I figure if we have a fire in the house then maybe the meds will survive.

My pharmacy has been writing on the package that the TKI should be used within a year of the shipping date even though the manufacturers expiration printed on their bottle is usually much later than that.

Here is another link which should work. It's a different report and it cites 3 years shelf life.

(Not sure why the earlier link no longer works. It failed for me too when I just tried it.)

This is because link was shorten (three dots in the middle).

I think this is the link Sprycel Assessment Report ?

On page 34 -

"6.3 Shelf life

3 years.

6.4 Special precautions for storage

This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions."

Thanks to you all. Appreciate the help.....