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How do i know if i am responding


Hi all,

I have been on Nilotnib since last 23 days. I have had few minimal side effects. How do i know if i am responding to nilotnib. My wbc was 26000 when i started taking nilotnib. Now it is around 10500.

Kindly suggest

Beat regards
Kiran Yolarotti

Hi Kiran,

The fact that your WBC count has reduced like that shows that you are responding. So that is good news!

In time, you will have further tests showing how much BCR-Abl is in your body. That measures the amount of CML in your blood in percentage terms and is the best way to monitor CML.


Ohh okay! Thank you. One strange thing i did not understand my wbc count came down till 6600 and than increased again to 10500 with 0% myeloblast. Is it good or bad?

Kiran Yolarotti

That's not uncommon. The logic is that the TKI kills off the cancerous cells, of which there are a lot. So your counts can dip quite low, but then start to build up to a more healthy level, with healthier cells making up these numbers. 

That is perhaps a bit simplistic to what is actually occurring, but that's how my doctor explained a similar dip than raise to be years ago. 
