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Blast phase and allo-sct

Hi there i was diagnosed in june last year in ap. I was in imatinib for three months but later develop bp. I was then treated with chemo plus dasatinib and came back to chronic phase. My doc said im in cytogrnic remmission. And suggest for transplant for long term survival. Is it good to have transplant or remain in tki? Any suggestion

If I were you, I would definitely try to continue TKIs, bone morrow transplant is very serious and risky procedure, if you are young and have no other diseases you may recover quickly, but still, there is a very high risk involved. I would definitely try all TKIs first.

Thanks julia. I askesd the same. But doc suggest me to go for transplant for long term survival. And only staying on tki wouldnt be effective as the disease would come back shortly. I am 31 and have no other disease and healthy.

Hi, Ros. your doc is right, just a very few have long term responses to tki after going throught blast phase. Good luck on your BMT! Hope all goes well!

I have been following the blog below which is very informative regarding some of the experiences post transplant.  Naturally everybody's experience is different and I only point it out because she was brave enough to let the outside world in as she walks through this experience (which is rare).

I believe Rachel went through every TKI available before going to transplant.  I don't believe she reached a blast phase at any point.  There are others on this site that have had SCT and can shed some light as to what to expect.  

Being young and healthy is a very big plus as I understand it.  Not a lot of us like to talk about SCT, especially when having no personal experience to support our thoughts/opinions.  Do keep us posted and praying for your success.