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Diagnosed Nov 2017 cml ph


Hi,I was diagnosed 7 Nov 2017, a really bad shock, I have 2 kids 14 and 8 and a husband,its was surreal.
I have struggled to get my balance in life back ,i was put on imatinib 400 generic, i live in Norway and it's been a misery,of bad weather and feeling bad with side effects, now I am on GLEEVEC as the generic supply has dried out.well there is one option but that made me feel evil.
After a year I reached MMR3.5 have stopped up a bit but the doc says most people do not reach this result.for 18 in general I am happy and am told I will live a long life..
I have however not done much for the last year as it's cold here and I seem to catch the sniffles easily, it gets me down not going out and I have had previous problems with serotonin levels not due to depression, so I take a low dose of SSRI,sleep quality is bad so I am like a pudding most days and have to force myself to do things,i have a rowing machine and use that at least 4 to 5 times a week the Last 6 weeks and I do have,however I am always on edge and slightly scared,.I had a great doctor but he switched department and the new doc is clinical,correct but I just don't leave his office feeling happier.
The sunshine and warmth helps so I will head off to the sun in a few weeks.i find it hard as I was very active and now.i find it hard to do stuff. I have about half a good week,however I think GLEEVEC is better than the generic version, but I get very dark patches on my forearms when in the sun ,the rest of me is ok.
There is no support here in Norway and I feel very lonely and angry at times.My 14 year old daughter took it really bad and has been angry for a year,I think she is improving and my son 8,has been scared but after a year of reassuring he is better..
I just wanted to share

Hi Harriet, I was diagnosed in 2016. My doc missed all the signs on my blood tests for who knows how long? I had been having what I thought was a recurring sinus infection as I had a constant headache in my left temple. Went through 5 antibiotics with no relief and finally took myself to the ER for a scan of my head. Of course they take blood no matter what in the ER. I was told, not very tactfully that I in fact did not have any sinus problems but leukemia.  Don't even know how I got home!  B/C of some childhood PTSD regarding illness, I had a total meltdown, and went into a deep depression as I was certain my life was over.  After switching oncologists, from one in my community who was an idiot, I went to Sloan in NYC. My oncologist there is wonderful, but I still had terrible fear of dying,  I went to a good therapist who helped alot, I am on meds for depression and anxiety which help alot.

You will not die from this you will die with it. And you will live a normal life span.  But, it is never far from my mind that I have CML. I don't think about it every minute of every day anymore, but it is always in the back of my mind.

Exercise is good. So are some of the supplements others speak of on this list.

I urge you to find a support group, or a good therapist.  If there are no support groups in your area find one online. Stay on these boards. I believe if Im not mistaken that there may be a section on this group for family members. Maybe your daughter can find other kids of parents with CML. 

Most of all, hang in there. I know it is difficult and scary, but if we had to get "something" this is the one to have!

Feel free to contact me again. 


Hi Bendicco,
Thanks for your reply, its really weird I had to laugh,I had a strange and unstable life for many years,and ended up with PTSD,so like you I freaked out, I was actually pruning my trees when a lump on my cheekbone and a cold that would not go away prompted me to go to the doctor again,she had however already informed me of a high white blood cell count so in the Er they tested again,and the same high count,I was admitted to hospital and more blood tests and then I was allowed to go home the next day more blood and that is when they put me in a taxi to the hospital, I could hardly speak,was on my own,my husband was freaking and watching kids,they thought I had acute leukaemia, luckily I ended with CMl,I have researched the illness a lot I actually prefer to know what I am dealing with,.here in Norway (Scandinavia)unless you live in the cities there is not much as in support, it's not the smallest place I live but I find it hard to talk about certain things in Norwegian and even though the Norwegians are good at English things tend to be missed in a conversation, and as for therapy I have exhausted that I was doing CBT and Emdr and that I did for 6 years previous to diagnosis, the new promised therapist cannot even get it together to call me back so,I am working through this on my own, I have a couple of good friends and I feel I can actually get stronger it may not be easy and some days have been dark,I have had lots of little infections,joint and muscle pain,nausea,weight gain,nose bleeds,stomach problems,insomnia, fatigue but now I think that's kind of come.down to 3 or 4 rotating side effects,I do not work ,I got invalidity due to Cml and previous issues,I do however have a hobby, woodworking and writing and am trying to get back into the rhythm,but with kids around that's hard one is sick or the other has school stuff going daughter refuses to talk to anyone but her older siblings they are adults.
Uff I think that my results are good I look at the tables and am a bit confused but I have 0.010 if that means anything?I believe I am on the verge of MMR4.5 does that sound right?
Well thanks for your input and hope to hear more .

Good morning Harriet or should I say good evening? what is the time difference between us? I am in New York State? First I have to say that your numbers are good!!  0.010 is good. Not that familiar with the other number tho. My last numbers were as well. Weird that our lives now revolve so much around the damn numbers!!  I get tested every three months and as the time gets closer I get more and more anxious.  Strange, I am a psychotherapist and have worked with the sick and dying, but when I an sitting in the waiting room at the oncologist's office and see all the other people in various degrees of what ever type of leukemia they have, and some looking like death, I become so incredibly anxious.

It is hard to find a good therapist, probably more so in a small town. EMDR is a good thing but if the therapist can't get it together that is not helpful. If you aren't that far from a bigger city , try EMDR again now, as it will really be helpful.

I'm glad you have some good friends, that is helpful. But unless someone has an illness no one can really understand the fears we have. No matter how many times my oncologist would tell me I'm doing well, it just penetrates only so deep. My analogy is if one has a deep splinter that won't come out and the skin grows around it so it sort of becomes part of you, it dosen't really hurt so much but you ate acutely aware that there is something in your body that dosen't belong there. Don't know if that resonates with you.

I tried to get disability here in the states , I assume that is what you call invalidity, but I was denied as the decision was I could work even with CML as it wasn't life threatening. 

Muscle pain and fatigue are usually a side effect of the TKI that you take. I am on Gleevec. Also some weight gain as it tends to make you retain some fluid.

Have you always lived in Norway? Right now it is so very cold here it feels like Antartica! And we are expecting yet more snow! How old are you? From the ages of your kids it seems you are younger than me. I am 64. Have two married daughters and a bunch of grandkids.

Let's keep in touch. Stay warm, stay positive.


Hi Bendicco
The time difference here is plus 6 that is 08.00 to you is 14.00 here.
It's been a weird winter here cold but swinging temperatures we have lots of bad roads right now.
I am 1.5 hrs from Bergen where I had a therapist but changed cos I was so tired all the time..I will get back in touch with him for some more Emdr.
I have not always lived in Norway, I was born in Holland,the Netherlands, we moved to Madrid and the the Uk and back to Spain,where I lived for 30 years some where in between I lived in England, Holland and Germany for 1.5 years, and yes I speak all 5 languages..I married a Norwegian Vet in the south of Spain and never imagined he would want to move back here but he had 3 teenage kids to educate and that costs money so in 2007 we moved to inside the polar circle...yuk now we moved west in 2014 to the family farm.
I have to agree with what you say unless you have this no one knows how you feel..I tell my husband but he just tries to make believe, I think..still it's not easy and it's always the likelihood of it going away is slim and that is the hard part,and the meds,yeah great I am alive but feel bloody awful half of the week....
It's a tough cookie,but i do try to stay positive but i get stressed easily cos of the PTSD.
I still have 3 monthly visits to the hospital until I hit 18 months and then every 6 months.
MMR is mayor molecular response at a cryogenic level 3.5 is one notch from 4.5 which they think I will reach soon. I am hoping my other doctor will return they do some speciality and return he was great,its not so easy to change hospital doctors and as you say it's always a bit nerve wracking about 2 weeks before,there is a sort of build up.
At least even though I am not in love with Norway, the climate is abominable, I have to say the health care is great and we.dont pay for Gleevec,the hospital does.
Yes I have disability.
Anyway it's so good to talk to some else about this.
So you too stay well and warm.

Hi, my insurance pays for Gleevec, it is $35,000 per month!! Yes $35,000! Outrageous! Forgive me if you have posted the answers before, which supplements and how much of each do you take each day?

ive just started Curcumin as many folks on this board say it is very helpful.

you have certainly lived in many places, I’m envious! I have been to Israel, which I loved and London. I’d love to go to Cuba before it gets to commercialized and take pictures. I am a photographer when I’m not being a therapist.

anyway stay warm and keep on going on!!

btw are you on Facebook?

Hi Bendicco,

How are you this morning?well its 5 am for you you are probably still in lala land..

I am on facebook but only because of kids activities and school,i had a proper facebook but gave it up..i just dont like it.

my supplements;

40µ vit d not sure this is enough but am scared to take too much

hylauronic acid 100mg

vitamin c 1000mg unless ill i take more

pro biotics dont know

vitamin b complex not sure how much but its natures best and have ordered doctors best tumeric/crcumin 500 its very expensive though i can only order it via amazon and then i have to pay 25% tax on top as it costs more than the tax free allowence which its stupidily low,thats the down side of Norway,so when i visit Spain i bring loads of stuff with me,i still have a house there,long story.i bought some magnessium yesterday and have been looking into k2,but i feel like a supplement coctail..i also take some type of fibre powder,looks like crushed bird seeds and is really disgusting,but its for my stomach..

i also take pantoprazol 40mg for the nausea and zoloft for the seratonin, i have PMDD and PTSD and i take melatonin and a slow working anti histamine or i cannot sleep.

I have to say that since i have been on the gleevec by Novartis i think i am feeling better,i have always been for Generic meds and have not believed there is a difference,however,i have to say that,i think at this level ,there is a difference,i started on Imatinb by Activis,who stopped producing it here,in between i took Inmatinib by Accord and got sooo ill i had to change back and more or less got told to stay on the same one,it was a mistake i was given it by the hospital chemist and thinking i had no choice i took i went back to Actavis and then ..there was no more,they offered me Cipla but i refused to take Indian medicine and have read that people results went down so i said no and then in Norway as the population is only 5 million the medicine choices are limited and as my results are good they gave me Gleevec(Novartis)and there was no other choice,and i am so far happy.

So you are a therapist,in all fields or do you specialize?How is it living in New York,do live in the center or the burbs,do you have kids?How long did it take you to come to terms with this?

I am going to take my son out for a little shopping he has been ill for a week and was fever free all yesterday,he is seriously annoyed as his Dad and sister have gone skiing so i am going to buy him his favorite donuts.

Take care






Hey there, hope your son liked his donuts!!  I live about 4 hours north of NY city, in Syracuse. I have 2 grown daughters, both married with kids. One lives in New Jersey the other in Toronto so Im kind of in the middle for driving distance. I understand the tax you have, its the same in Toronto, they jack up the taxes so there can be free medical care. I guess there are pros and cons to it. I pay 8.25% tax on all non food items, which includes supplements.

I was started on Sprycel initially, ($65,000} monthly and after 5 days on it I was hospitalized for 4 days for horrible leg cramps.  I learned from research later on that it was probably the drug mass killing the leukemia cells but wow it brought me to my knees. Anyway, when I switched to the oncologist I have now he suggested that the Gleevec was a better first line drug for CML and I have been on it ever since. Almost 3 years in October. I take the generic one.

As far as supplements, I believe your vit D can be increased. I take 5000 units daily, it was has vit k in it to help with absorption I think. You can have your doc do a vit D blood test next time you have a blood draw to see how much you have in you. Especially in places where the sun is minimal you need way more than you take. Glad your going to start the Curcumin.  I started on Magnesium as was suggested by someone on the boards.

Yup, I am a therapist, been one since 1990. Now I am kind of semi retired, I see patients 2 days weekly.  I love working with couples and their families, but usually I see  individual adults. When I was a newbie I worked with kids but rarely do now.  

Im on Facebook for my kids as well, I get pics of my grandkids that way, but under a different name so my patients cannot look me up!!

When I was initially diagnosed I thought my life was over, I sobbed all the time, closed my practice and was so depressed and frightened it was an awful time. Now 2 1/2 years later, I am better thanks to antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. But I always have it in the back of my mind. I cannot watch commercials that advertise cancer meds for different types of cancer, I cannot watch movies with a cancer sufferer, My family really does not really understand, I don't think anyone who dose not have some type of cancer can understand, the terror inside, the feeling often of waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.  It sure as hell makes you aware of your own mortality!!

Hope you have a good rest of the day, I'm going for my 2nd cup of tea of the morning!


Hi Harriet wondering what you think about all this back and forth conversation about Curcumin?

Hi Bendicco,
Yes I have been reading about this and wondering, I took curcumin some years back before CML my chiropractor swears by it,but to be honest I never really felt anything better or worse its I guess pretty individual how people react ,it is like anything too much may not be good..I have bought it but am having a debate with myself ,should I take it or not,I am doing pretty well as I am on my simple supplements .I think some of the effects of these things are physcosymatic ,its like all the fad diets,paleolithic etc,cave man existed in a different era and shit if they did not die young naturally due to all sorts of different deficiencies they were eaten by predators, yet people believe these fads are healthy, so ..I eat and drink almost everything but in normal quantities and hey in the dark ages before meds,I would be its complicated..uff I bet that does not help,but i listen to my body and if it feels good...the Indians use turmeric curcumin or haldi spices in many foods and they are still Ill, personally I think I may give my turmeric away.
Will write you a bit more later,kids a calling

hi Bendicco please send me your private mail again i cannot find it.


Hi I sent you an email but maybe I got ur address wrong. I amĀ 

bendiccoj@gmail. com