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Losarton recall


Last weeks Losarton (blood pressure) recall got me thinking. I have been taking Losarton for 2 years, I was diagnosed with CML last May, could there be a link between the two ?  My Losarton is on the recall list and will take back tomorrow.. From what I have read they have found a known cancer causing ingredient in certain Losarton. Any advice would be appreciated.

I believe that just one of the many generics of Losartan has been recalled.I used to take a version of Losartan but on seeing the article by Haouala et al "Drug interactions with the tyrosine kinase inhibitors imatinib, dasatinib and imatinib" in Blood Journal switched over to Candesartan where there is no known or published drug/drug interaction.If you google glivec and losartan you will be able to locate the article in full.As I understand it imatinib creates a greater drug exposure for losartan which means ideally there needs to be a modification of dose of losartan;in addition losartan brings about a greater imatinib exposure so high dose losartan could be a problem for the body in terms of the retention of the various elements of the tki within the bloodstream.

I trust that this information is useful

