Sandy, I do have confidence in Hammersmith and I am considering this seriously. I don't think my side-effects are nearly as bad as some, for instance Sue above, but it would be nice to reduce them.
Sue, I take my 400mg Glivec by splitting the pill in two and taking half after breakfast and half after evening meal. That helped a lot. It raised an eyebrow at Hammersmith, but I have been doing it for 18 months and my results are very good, so clearly it works.
I understand that some people drop Glivec altogether for a period, for example for pregnancy, and then re-start with no adverse effects, so perhaps the risk is small.
I have a couple of months of 400mg pills left, so I shall try reducing after that.
In due course, when I have some data on how it is working, I shall post it on here.
I've had a bit of a rough week, but I'm going skiing on Sunday for two weeks.
Just as an aside, four of us went sking at New Year. Our combined age was 261 and between us we had:
4 replacement knees
2 heart bypasses
1 replacement hip
1 collapsed lung
1 spinal osteoporosis
We covered 265km distance and 35km vertical.
The show ain't over 'till the fat lady sings.
EDIT: I am not going skiing on Sunday. We have delayed until Tuesday because I don't feel so good! CML has got the better of me - temporarily. The Austrian weather forecast was poor anyway.